Spill the Tea - RuPaul's Drag Race - Episode 4 Review
Another week has passed and what a week it has been, we hope you are all well and safe!
Netflix UK provided and gave us the only thing getting us through this Coronavirus filled week… RuPaul’s Drag Race Episode 4!
Below is our review of the episode and don’t forget it holds spoilers!
So the episode starts with the Queens talking about the last episode and of course everyone who wasn’t in the top says they want to be… guess what that’s the whole point on being on the show!
But time waits for no Queen and everyone is back in the workroom ready for another day. The girls start talking about how everyone slept the night before, Brita then starts telling the girls that she dreamt she won Season 12. Now Aiden was quick and fired back and then you woke up! I was not ready for it and I loved that Aiden finally gave it back to the girls!! But before a fight can start Ru enters the workroom with a Bee themed mini challenge. The Queens dance it off dressed in hilarious Bee costumes.
Our favourites…
Gigi Goode
Heidi N Closet not only for those moves but that make up girl had me in stitches!
Aidens moves… mm questionable but her sad face – hilarious!
Rock screaming Why are we killing bees – PERFECTION!
Gigi had the biggest sting and came out on top.
Now onto the main challenge, the Queens had to compete in a pageant of sports-inspired costumes 2 from home and one made in the workroom.
Now as there were 36 looks we are going to give our favourite and least favourite from each category.
Category 1 – Lady Ballers
Favourite Look – Gigi Goode – LOVING it! The way it was put together was brilliant and she sold it the best.
This was closely followed by Matilda I liked the idea of going for something a bit out of the box.
Gigi Goode
Favourite Look
Least Favourite Look – Widow Von Du – I’m sorry girl what was that, you want to do a horse themed look go check out our girl Divina De Campo – now that’s how you do a look!
Widow Von Du
Least Favourite Look
Category 2 – Basketball Wife
Favourite Look – Jan, came very close to having my least favourite first look but the idea behind this one redeemed herself.
Favourite Look
Least Favourite Look – Nicky Doll – I know people say she is fashion but really girl, if you are going to say you are the fashion queen you need to bring more!
Nicky Doll
Least Favourite Look
Category 3 – Balls to the Walls
Favourite Look – Gigi Goode – The fact that this Queen made this in the workroom with that little time. Serious credit, I really misjudged this Queen from the intro videos. If she keeps this up she will be a winner baby!
Gigi Goode
Favourite Look
Least Favourite Look – Brita… don’t offend pineapples… that was no pineapple.
Least Favourite Look
Before we get to the bottom two… Leslie Jones was HILARIOUS and I am living for how much she loved the show. I’m even going to say she loves it more than we do! She needs her own shown reviewing the episodes like when Football watchers here in the UK have Match of the Day!
Now onto the bottom two… we are going to get very upset now.
Brita in the bottom yes girl that was awful, she should have been joined by Aiden for the lack of effort. I really don’t think this was Rock M Sakuras challenge but she did not deserve to be in that bottom.
The bottom two had Rhiannas S&M to lip sync to and Rock M Sakura brought it! She was showing how much she wanted it fighting through Brita trying to block her every chance she had.
Ru made his choice and home went Rock and I really think the show has lost on of what should have a Queen been in the top 5!
Did you agree with our review of the girls this week?
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